How to use WordPress to build an online store

12th August 2021


If you dream of joining – and competing with – some of SA’s most-loved online retailers, but have no clue where to start, this blog is for you. I’ll walk you through one of the ways that you can use WordPress to create an online store that’s easy to build, and, importantly, easy for your customers to use.

First things first: what is WordPress?

In simple terms, WordPress is a website builder, and according to their homepage, almost half of all websites are built using their software. I mean, they’ve got to be doing something right. This open-sourced software became super popular in the mid-aughts when everyone and their neighbour had a blog. Today, companies big and small (including Yoco) use WordPress to build their websites, online stores, blogs, and everything in between. 

One of the reasons WordPress is so prolific is because it’s super easy to use

Designed for people with little-to-no knowledge of anything remotely resembling websites, WordPress has been around for ages (just shy of 20 years!) because it’s simple to use, and offers affordable alternatives to other website building software (who doesn’t love a bargain?). 

There’s no reason to fork out a fortune in order to build an e-commerce site. Simply choose one of the templates available, and voila. And if you’re like, “Cool, but I really don’t know how to build a website” (samesies), here’s the thing: you don’t need to know how. WordPress has a “building block” system – enabling you to drag and drop the various elements that make up a site. Like building a digital puzzle – except this one makes you money.

The online world is your oyster thanks to thousands of WordPress plugins

A plugin is simply a function. Need to create a “contact us” form? Use this plugin. Need to send out email campaigns? Use this one. Want to superpower your SEO? Use this one. Whatever you need your online store to do, you can find a plugin for it. 

Built-in analytics give you insight into your visitors

You may know your offline customers like the back of your hand, but getting online shoppers to notice you is a whole different ball game. But, as they say, knowledge is power. WordPress has built-in analytic tools that enable you to do a deep dive into how your website or online store is performing, the people who visit it, when they visit it, and a whole lot more. You can then use this data to inform your marketing campaigns and to tweak your site according to your audience’s preferences.

Rad. But where does Yoco come in?

I’m so glad you asked! Once you’ve built your super-slick, ohemgee this is a gorgeous online store, you can add our online payment gateway as a plugin. (Don’t let website building lingo deter you. Remember: everything is googleable.) (Yes that is an actual word.)

Sign up in five minutes and voila: you’re ready to open your online store.

Pssst: Our Payment Gateway is also compatible with WooCommerce, Wix, and Shopstar.

*Yoco is in no way affiliated with WordPress – this blog is intended as educational content only.