How to set up a simple online store with Shopify
Shopify has extended their free trial option to 90 days for new customers who want to set up a simple online store in the wake of COVID-19.
STAY HOME AND STAY SAFE. For more information and support on COVID-19 visit www.sacoronavirus.co.za
Shopify has extended their free trial option to 90 days for new customers who want to set up a simple online store in the wake of COVID-19.
Yoco CEO, Katlego Maphai, writes a letter to merchants on breaking barriers and rebuilding small business in the wake of lockdown and civil unrest.
WooCommerce, Wix, or Shopify? Here are 8 reasons why WooCommerce is a good option for small businesses.
You can start finding new customers and selling online without an e-commerce site. Here are a few basic tips.
South Africa will be following a phased approach to ending lockdown. Here’s what you need to know about Level 2.
If you’re new to the world of e-commerce and online payments, here are a few key terms to understand.
Our payment gateway makes it simple to process e-commerce sales through Yoco. The plugin integrates your WooCommerce WordPress store with your Yoco account.
Whether it’s on Social Media, an email, or a smoke signal, it’s time to get creative with your marketing.
Here are our tips for limiting the spread of COVID-19 and reopening your restaurant safely.
Advanced Level 3 regulations make it possible for beauty businesses to resume trading but where do you begin?
South Africa will be following a phased approach to ending lockdown. Here’s what you need to know about Level 3.
How to make fans and connect with people. Or something like that.
Here are some tips for maintaining and adapting your hospitality business during the pandemic.
Social Media’s like a house. No matter how fancy it looks, it will fall down if the foundation is kak.
From bicycle tours to essential service courier, this is Book iBhoni’s small business pandemic-inspired pivot.
Here are our tips for how to pivot and manage your food business during the COVID-19 lockdown.
South Africa will be following a phased approach to ending lockdown. Here’s what you need to know about Level 4.
Small businesses will have to rapidly pivot to recover and restart in the world post-Coronavirus.
UIF applications can seem daunting, but these tips may help you troubleshoot problems and successfully apply.
These are some of the Yoco merchants selling face masks for personal use during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Support Small movement has trended globally, and Yoco’s Business Directory is one of the initiatives to help you get involved.
Just a few weeks ago, almost every small business owner in South Africa realised that their business would be sidelined by the nationwide lockdown.
Here are five creative ideas for marketing gift vouchers as a small business.
With Yoco’s new online payment suite, merchants can reignite their cash flow and begin doing business online.
To keep your business afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic, you will need to cut costs as critically as you can.
Major banks like FNB and Absa have set up payment holidays and relief schemes to assist clients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A number of private and state entities have set up relief funding schemes to support small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Without breaking the bank, here are 5 social media marketing tools you can use to run your social media advertising from start to finish.
How do you market your business on social media during COVID-19? Here are 5 guiding principles to help you think through your posts and make decisions as the situation evolves.
Despite any slow-down observed in revenue and forward bookings, and the concern this understandably brings, it is worth considering the following before making any decisions that significantly change your strategy.
A broad but simple evaluation of your business finances will enable you to make the best decisions possible during the Coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 has compounded the stress of being an entrepreneur but it’s in times like this that you need to prioritise your mental wellbeing.
Here are 8 tips from Kayli Vee Levitan on how to best navigate social media during a pandemic.
Open communication is a key element of survival for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. But how do you stay connected and what do you say?