insights and advice

ICYMI: The best of ‘22 blog roundup

2022 has been a year, so you’re forgiven if you haven’t had a chance to read all of our blogs. As our holiday gift to you, we’ve rounded up some of our best blogs. From practical tips on wooing customers and mastering SEO to future-proofing your business and using TikTok …

railways cafe
food, drink and hospitality

Full steam ahead for Railways, the (not-so-little) restaurant that could

Railways restaurant is more than just the story of a guy with a monkey on his back (literally), it’s an epic tale that transcends the mundane.

finances and funding

Banting Baker Gigi: How this stuntwoman flipped to ruling a keto empire

This queen of keto is a badass business warrior who pulled off the greatest entrepreneurial stunt of all: HYPERGROWTH during lockdown!


Yoco Meets | Women in Business: Thriving as Underdogs

At our Yoco Meets dedicated to women in business, these inspiring entrepreneurs shared their tips for beating the odds and thriving as an underdog.


It’s Time to Grow. Announcing our Series C Funding Round!

We are proud to announce that we have secured over R1.2 billion in funding. A big step towards realising our vision of Open Commerce.

MBV emporium
retail businesses

MBV Emporium: a dream shop filled with conversation starters

Vanessa Govender’s MBV Emporium is the manifestation of her lifelong passion for collecting and sharing beauty, thriving no matter the odds!

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yoco-formula-make space to explore

Making space to explore: curious enough to experiment, bold enough to fail

Kim K Apparel

From offshore rigs to home-grown fashion: South Africa’s own Kim K

At a Sushi Box in Cape Town.

Sushi Box unboxes its potential with Yoco Capital


Part 1: Strategy before Social for small businesses

keep it simple

Set your business up for success by keeping it simple

An image of the Yoco Business Portal.

Yoco Business Portal: Dashboard, Sales Report & Sales History

Gcobani Gogoba from Barista CUP in Cape Town.

Why you need a business purpose

Why your business needs to start accepting card payments.

5 reasons your business should accept credit card payments in South Africa

An infographic showing the top uses for business funding.

The top 5 ways small businesses use business funding

A lego image on building partnership.

Carl Wazen on building successful partnerships


Special Risk Cover: How Sasria can help protect your small business from riots

The Yoco Store in Parkhurst, Johannesburg.

What we learnt from setting up the Yoco Store


Managing a hospitality business during COVID-19


Better together: how collaborations can help your business

small business finances

5 things you shouldn’t skimp on when it comes to small business finances

Part 3: Unleashing your creativity to market your small business.

A barista in an article about increasing tips the Yoco way.

How to increase your tips – the Yoco way

yoco meets durban

It Takes a Village: Yoco Meets X Durban

Biltong Rules SA selling at a market in Durban.

How to start a market stall

ai tools

Game-changing AI tools to power your small business marketing


How to manage your mental wellbeing during COVID-19

Coins spilling out of a jar in an article about finding funding for your small business.

Top funding options for small businesses

Julie Taylor, founder of Guns & Rain.

How to go from corporate to business

A Yoco device and Ultimate Bike accessories.

How Jean Botha is growing Ultimate Bike with Yoco Capital

Shannon McLaughlin in the Ubuntu Baba factory in a story about protecting intellectual property.

Whose intellectual property is it anyway?

5 steps to kicking off a killer customer loyalty program

The 6 retail trends that will influence the way you do business in 2023

A screenshot of the Yoco Settlement screen in the app.

When will I get my money?

The Yoco founders at the POS launch.

The Yoco Point of Sale Launch

Is the Neo Touch for you?


COVID-19 Lockdown: Level 2 Explained

An image of a coffee shop in an article on beating a sales slump.

Beat the sales slump: working on your marketing

yoco referrals

The Yoco Referral Program: how to get paid for becoming a better friend


5 things you can do to set your business up for success in 2021

A Yoco event on business growth hosted by the CCDI.

Top business growth learnings from local entrepreneurs